Strathmore Hotels Ltd care about the sustainability issues that are affecting our country and want to do our bit to help.
This page highlights just some of the policies and practices we have implemented to minimise our negative environmental impacts and ensure sustainable tourism.
Green Tourism Scheme
Green Tourism is recognised by UK national and regional government as a crucial part of its drive towards sustainability. Their aim is to build on this strong position and ensure that the UK remains at the forefront of sustainable tourism in the future whilst extending their work around the world.Green Tourism is independently validated by the International Centre for Responsible Tourism (ICRT) on behalf of VisitEngland, VisitWales and the Northern Ireland Tourist Board and endorsed by VisitScotland and Failte Ireland.
Strathmore Hotels Ltd care about the sustainability issues that are affecting our country and want to do our bit to help and as such, all our hotels have been inspected and achieved a recognised grading. Read more about the Green Tourism Scheme here
Biomass Boilers
Strathmore Hotels announced in April 2015 plans to switch all our properties to BioMass Energy as an alternative source of hot water moving away from Gas. Read all about it here. We were one of the first hotel groups to switch completely over. True to our word, the Biomass installation was completed throughout the group in early 2016 with the last hotel (and largest), the Cairn Hotel, coming on board on the 4th March 2016. All 7 hotels completed within a year! In the summer of 2019 we purchased the Ben Wyvis Hotel and, after covid-delays, we installed here too in 2023.
Reducing heat loss
All internal pipework is lagged as are our loft spaces to reduce heat loss.
Water saving
Water consumption is monitored and reduced where possible.
Hotel gardens
Where we have gardens and gardeners (4 locations) we have areas set aside for composting that is then used as mulch for our planting. We also grow some herbs as well as fruit and vegetables for our kitchens. Bee friendly planting is also encouraged.
Energy efficient lighting
Energy efficient lighting is fitted in all our hotels.
Food wastage and miles
We monitor and reduce food wastage at each site and also try to reduce food miles as much as possible by sourcing food locally and utilising seasonal produce.
Environmentally-friendly mailings
We only issue mailings to those customers who have requested to hear from us. We do not buy nor sell any databases reducing paper wastage. All our mailing wrappings are 100% compostable too moving away from polywrap. These can be put in home compost heaps or put into garden waste, or even food waste caddies.